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The Photographer

My photo
Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Rob Spring Photography is located in Saratoga Springs, NY. Rob photographs numerous commercial and advertising assignments for a variety of clients, as well as weddings, every weekend from May until November.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My New Favorite Subject!

Well, here's the new addition! Introducing Miss Dorothy Jane! What a cutie. And here we were waiting around for nine months afraid she wouldn't be "sweet!" :)


  1. Great picture! I love the lighting on her precious little face.

  2. Julia & MattMarch 25, 2010

    Congratulations, Rob! She is absolutely adorable. Thanks for posting pics!

  3. The best part is that there has been NO retouching to either of these! She's ACTUALLY that sweet!!!

  4. Lisa BrooksMarch 30, 2010

    Congratulations, Rob & Rosie! She's gorgeous!

  5. Kara MahoneyMarch 30, 2010

    She's beautiful!

  6. Ray StockwellMarch 30, 2010

    When you guys were still at the hospital I could just picture Rob wheeling little baby Dorothy's little bed over to the window for some great natural light. Congratulations guys! She is absolutely adorable.

  7. Kerri DuganApril 07, 2010

    Congratulations! She's adorable.

  8. Rob, she is gorgeous!! Congrats again to you and your wife!!!!

  9. Timeless UpdosApril 12, 2010

    Congratulations Rob!! She is so precious. Enjoy every moment. We're so happy for you!
