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The Photographer

My photo
Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Rob Spring Photography is located in Saratoga Springs, NY. Rob photographs numerous commercial and advertising assignments for a variety of clients, as well as weddings, every weekend from May until November.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"N" & "N"

"N"icole and "N"ick were married on a rainy, sunny, cloudy, clear.... well a pretty average summer day (at least lately!) It sounds like a bad thing, but truth be told, it led to so many different lighting situations, that their wedding produced such a variety of different photos, I had to purchase an extra hard drive just to store them all! Okay, I needed the extra memory ANYWAY, but you get the point. Another great ceremony (inside this time) at the National Museum of Dance, and a beautiful reception at the Hall of Springs. Sit tight, there WILL be another blog post from this wedding. Nicole and Nick are also friends of mine - which meant I took WAY too many photos.

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