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The Photographer

My photo
Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Rob Spring Photography is located in Saratoga Springs, NY. Rob photographs numerous commercial and advertising assignments for a variety of clients, as well as weddings, every weekend from May until November.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Quiet Water

Well, I've officially joined the ranks of other North Country photographers. We bought a canoe a few weeks ago and I've been dying to take it out for a test run. You know, make sure it floats and enables me to sneak up on wildlife to photograph without it running into the woods from the paparazzi. Well, I had a rare Sunday off last week and took the canoe up to the Green Mountain National Forest. Good news, it floats, bad news, it poured while I was on the lake. Good news, I kept the camera dry and was able to get this nice shot of the lily pad just about to blossom. More bad news, wildlife doesn't like getting caught in the rain any more than I do. Bummer. Rosie and I are planning some forays into the wilderness later this summer during a break in the wedding action. We're hoping to see a half-submerged bull moose with a bald eagle balanced on his antlers. Is that too much to ask?


  1. I enjoy all of these, I'm totally linking you on my blog if you don't mind? This stuff is all beautiful!

  2. Rob, it was nice to finally meet you tonight... So when I got home I decided to look at your site... AMAZING pictures! Your talent is like no other that I have seen! Keep up the good work!

  3. WOW Rob! these are amazing. I would be WAY too nervous to bring a camera on a canoe. NO WAY!
