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The Photographer

My photo
Saratoga Springs, NY, United States
Rob Spring Photography is located in Saratoga Springs, NY. Rob photographs numerous commercial and advertising assignments for a variety of clients, as well as weddings, every weekend from May until November.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beating the weather...

Kerri & Sean certainly beat the weather during their May wedding on Lake George! I couldn't believe it. I've never seen the weather be so miserable, turn so nice so fast, and immediately turn HORRIBLE as fast as it did! We started shooting outside in the light rain, ending up under cover for some heavier showers, and within about five minutes the sky opened up to reveal a perfectly blue sky and 70 degree temperatures. Luckily this sunny spell came just before the outdoor ceremony and the staff at The Fort William Henry did an outstanding job of getting everything set up outside for "PLAN A." The ceremony was beautiful, and perfectly timed, because within about three minutes of the bride and groom's exit, the chairs lifted up off the ground, tree limbs came crashing down and we had a massive downpour! Amazing. And here's the picture to prove it. As amazing as the weather was, the real story was Kerri & Sean. I don't think I caught either of them without a genuine, full blown smile plastered to their face the entire day long. I just love shooting weddings like this. Sometimes photographers throw out suggestions to newlywed couples to hug, or kiss, or hold hands, but if you can't smile without being asked on your own wedding day, that's just no good! Never a worry here. Kerri, Sean, and both of their families were such a joy to be around, and the wedding day was a resounding success because of it. I always tell couples that if they have fun at their wedding, so will everyone else. And these two just proved me right once again. Thanks Kerri & Sean, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

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